K through 4th grades

Instructional level with a focus on the fundamentals of the game of football.  Girls and Boys will focus their skills on playing football without the introduction of tackling.

Games are played on Sunday with practice held two nights a week. The season will begin with practice in mid August with games starting the Sunday after Labor Day and running 8 weeks.


Flag Football Division 1: K - 2nd Grade

8 on 8 player format.  Offense will consist of 5 lineman, 1 QB, 2 Skilled Positions (WR/RB). Defense will consist of 5 Lineman, 3 Flex positions to shadow the offensive skilled players.

Division 1 will focus on sportsmanship, basic football terminology and fundamentals of the game. This is the foundation to establishing a player that fully understands the game as it is meant to be played. The skills learned in Division 1 are the launch pad for Division 2.


Flag Football Division 2:

3-4 grades will compete in an 8 on 8 format.  Offensive Set - 5 Lineman/1 QB/2 Skilled Positions (WR/RB). Defensive Set - 5 Lineman/3 Flex positions to shadow the offensive skill positions.

Division 2 will be a more in-depth teaching of the game on the offensive and defensive sides of the ball.  This will be a more advance understanding of the X's and O's of the game.


COST = $175 per player
